2013年1月7日 星期一



Now the fern sold as "Crepidomanes auriculatum" is ID'ed by a botanist! And once more a botanical name under which a new plant is presented turns out as misapplied.
Article in the German journal DATZ 08/2011, pp. 55-59: Christel Kasselmann: Asplenium cf. normale. Ein neuer Farn für die Aquaristik. (= A new fern for the aquarium hobby.)
- The fern was bought by C. Kasselmann in a petshop in Taipei when she and Karen Randall visited Taiwan in 12/2010. The plant was said to be collected in the mountains of Taiwan.
- Later Christel got the same fern also from Stefan Hummel, nursery Dennerle, it was imported from Taiwan too.
- The pteridologist Brigitte Zimmer (Berlin, Germany) has examined the fern: it belongs to the genus Asplenium (spleenwort), and from the 33 Asplenium species in Flora of Taiwan Asplenium normale is closest to the aquarium plant. An English name of A. normale is "Rainforest spleenwort". It's a widespread fern in the tropical and subtropical Old World. In the nature apparently terrestrial, not aquatic. However Asplenium cf. normale grows well in Christel's tanks.
- The cultivated specimens were sterile (without spores) so a definite ID wasn't possible (therefore cf. normale). Mature emersed plants with spores are needed to verify its identity.
EDIT: Crepidomanes auriculatum is not a synonym of Asplenium normale but a different species. Crepidomanes belongs to family Hymenophyllaceae (Filmy ferns), Asplenium to family Aspleniaceae.
簡單地說,在2010由 C. Kasselmann在台北水族店買了株由台灣山區所採集的青木蕨,另外則有幾株經他人從單尼爾公司購買的,不過來源也是從台灣出口。經過Brigitte Zimmer鑑定屬於Asplenium屬,在熱帶與亞熱帶地區分佈,在「自然環境中」為陸生而非水生。此時暫以Asplenium cf. normale為名。而在2012年由Dr. R. Viane獲得完全沉水者並定名為Hymenasplenium obscurum。原文如下:
Article in DATZ 06-2012:
Now the supposed "Crepidomanes auriculatum" from Taiwan is IDed again, and apparently finally: Hymenasplenium obscurum.
 The ID was made by Prof. Dr. R. Viane (Ghent, Belgium). He got full-grown emersed plants with sori from Christel Kasselmann, she got them from Stefan Hummel, company Dennerle.The preliminary ID as Asplenium cf. normale was made with submersed plants. It's an example that correct ID of sterile submersed plants is often impossible.
上面這些資訊對我來說最重要的主要還是在那句「完全沉水」,所以青木蕨是可以長久種植在水中無誤。至於在我實際的種植經驗與搜尋網路說法,對於在水中青木蕨種不好的解決方法不外:減光、低溫。誠如我自己的舊文,在我第一次把青木蕨種植好的時候確實是透過減光的方式,但這半年我將青木蕨移到AD2 T8近水面處種植,卻發現一樣可以開枝散葉,上圖中的青木蕨即是在這個環境下拍攝。至於溫度部分,我自己有一個小水杯放了小分株青木蕨,在杯子中度過了數個夏日,而那個AD2 t8的青木蕨缸子夏天也只有風扇降溫,所以溫度與其生長是否為「必要條件」抑或僅是「充分條件」可能還要打個問號。此外上圖中可以發現該植株綁在出水口旁,所以水流對之似乎無不良影響(除了增加黑毛的機會外)。




最後是幾株brownie辣椒榕,顏色隨著時間、葉子老舊一直都在變,所以我也很難從中去硬歸納出哪一款表現應該就可以被判斷為jade,哪一款則應屬helena。也就只能按照獲得時的品種名記著。下圖三款獲得時的名字分別為Helena、jade與red(我很佛心地先告知名字,又選了差異比較大的三款,而不是放red VS. blue VS. purple這種 XD),有興趣的版友可以玩一下連連看囉。

忽然想起kazemi當初就有一張對照圖,用這個就很容易瞭解日本鹿角苔與一般的差異 http://i.imgur.com/RVkhq.jpg

2 則留言:

  1. 真是專業又漂亮


    不管怎麼說 感謝您的分享

  2. 據說對水族有愛的人,再怎麼撤最後都會留下一個缸子自娛,而這個缸子也就保存了引起的動機,讓他們很容易再回到行列。
