第一個談論火翅金鑽並予以命名的應該Tyson R. Robert (Robert,2007)的文章,原文:http://rmbr.nus.edu.sg/rbz/biblio/55/55rbz131-140.pdf。該文p.3有很好分辨的公母圖,這邊也有提到卵似乎是分批成熟,不是那種一次大量產卵。p.4~p.5在講生物學上的東西,看這個我比較high不起來。p.7著重於火翅、藍帶斑馬和Microrasbora rubescens間的關係p.9講人工環境繁殖。
其他則可以參考是Tyson R. Robert (Robert 2007)一文中,p.3的圖片;至於Alexander A. Priest 2008文中第一頁的公母圖片選樣與拍設得不夠優秀。威基是用這段文字來分辨公母,但其實多是節錄Alexander的文章:
This species shows some sexual dimorphism: males have a bright blue background color (dull blue-green in females), and their fins are more brightly colored. The tail end of their bodies (the caudal peduncle) is also higher than in females. The body is sprinkled with small, pearly dots. The back is bronzy green, and the belly in females is yellowish-white. The gill covers are transparent, letting the blood-red gills shine through.
The males' fins (except the pectoral fins), which they will prominently display to conspecifics, show two parallel black lines with a bright red area in between; on the tailfin this pattern is present twice (once on each lobe) and the outer black band is vestigial. Females have a weaker version of the pattern in the tail and dorsal fins only, sometimes in the anal fin too.
分辨完公母後,再看飼養的環境。引述Alexamder A. Priest的文章:
pH 6.8~7.5
Tyson R. Robert 2007末兩頁有說明於缸中如何繁殖,威基也有告知有關Redrocuction。
按照Tyson R. Robert 2007文章所說魚卵大概會在三天孵化,故整個繁殖的過程我給予三天的時間,之後就將親魚撈起,避免仔魚孵化後被親魚掠食。本次繁殖我選了一隻兩公分多的公魚,以及兩隻母魚,其中一隻母魚肚子有明顯隆起,可能為卵的緣故。如前述,隔離盒倚貼草缸,故光照亦同,一天約八小時,下午一點到九點。